
Saturday, January 14, 2006

Scent of the Day - 01/14/06 - What's Yours? - Log In!


Victoria said...

I'm testing some NeverTooBusyToBeBeautiful samples today. What about you?

Anonymous said...

so what are you testing??
I'm testing Blush, normally I don't like Jasmine, but I do like Blush

Victoria said...

Testing some saples Jill sent. Keep It Flullu, Something just marked "B" and Love. I like Love best.

marchlion said...

I'm testing the "winner" drugstore perfume Patty sent me (have you been following our idiocy on her blog?) -- perfect timing, I'm going to a dinner party tonight, plan on wearing Fragrance X and asking people's opinions. Stay tuned for the Big Reveal next week -- I am CONFIDENT this is not a perfume you have in your collection, you poor thing...

Victoria said...

Ahhh sadly probably not, but yes, I'm following your exploits! Hey I've been cheap and easy before, I've been known to wear Barbie and Cotton Candy and the ocassional Calgon scent.